6 People You Need to Avoid in Your Life
Like blackheads or boogers or toxins in our body, our lives needs a good spring cleaning for 2018: 6 People You Need to Avoid in Your Life.
Your environment dictates the quality of your day, your self-esteem, your life.
So if you don’t want a shitty one, take charge and get these 6 types of people – who are quite common yet below the radar so we don’t realize how toxic they are, eradicated from our system.

New B, Hu Dis?
Get ready for some realness and cheers to showing more of my hidden silly side for 2018! Haha!
My first Instagram series: How To Get Over A Broken Heart made quite a splash!
You can also check out my other Personality Development- themed posts here.
Help Me Decide!
Perhaps I should do more of these types of videos? Let me know by commenting below! If you have topics to recommend, by all means!! Am all ears!
Love & light,