Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and like what you see?
Don’t worry, we’re not taking the spotlight away from your beaming personality or your kindred spirit. I am simply referring to your physicality – your face.
In the same way we need a bra or a best friend for that much needed support, I can name two other things I recently discovered that certainly gave me a reassuring boost that I didn’t even think I would want or need: baby Botox and get this, lip fillers from Belo Medical.
Why must there be a stigma when getting beauty procedures? Why are we made to feel ashamed for wanting to look and feel good?
And yet freeing the nipple among other things like I don’t know… your naked body??… on Instagram isn’t alarming.
Oftentimes the only thing holding us back from finally trying out the latest beauty trend isn’t even so much about being able to afford it: It’s what people will say.
Today’s episode isn’t just your typical before and after courtesy of Belo Medical. That’s already stating the obvious.
I want you, my readers to be empowered by your choices and not be crippled by them.
I share the 5 things you need to consider when you finally take the plunge so in this case, a “baby” plunge with beauty treatments.
Even when you’ve got the time and money to get the dream face or body Kim Kardashian would kill for, that’s almost never the problem because it’s mind games that actually get the better of you.
The amount of satisfaction or loathing (with yourself) is only determined by how your mind allows it be.
So here I am openly sharing my experience with you. If people are gonna talk behind your back for tinkering with your face, they might as well get it straight from the source – YOU.
Just as I am right now, beating everyone to the punch because I don’t care about what anyone thinks or says about my own choices. Neither should you.
Do what makes you happy and do what it takes to make you feel better about yourself.
There’s four more you need to know in today’s episode and what my lips REALLY looked like the day after – I was mortified!!!
Head on over to my Instagram and check out Beauty Highlights in my profile if it’s already gone from my stories for more Behind The Scenes of injecting baby Botox plus lip fillers!
You can also find more health & beauty posts here.
I want you guys to experience a Belo day too! You could win free treatments from Belo Beauty! I share the mechanics in today’s episode so make sure to subscribe and join!
Have you ever tried of baby Botox? How about lip fillers? Do you like it?!
Love, light & kisses,