What do you get when you combine Halloween and Japan? A whimsical, epic time filled with silly spooks, sick sci-fi and a myriad of colorful chaos!
It’s been awhile since I’d gotten dressed for Halloween but that’s not to say I don’t love a good show.
So today’s episode is all about experiencing Halloween in one of my favorite countries!
Though Halloween is essentially one evening in a year, I’m featuring the highlights of my Japan two-week family trip last October 2016.
You’ll get to see what activities there are to enjoy not just in Tokyo but in Sapporo and Nagoya as well – whether you’re in costume or not.
Showing a few snippets here from the few times I managed to remember to take photos from too much fun but the real content is in the video – as I always always mention in every post.
I find that taking videos is so much easier than photos — you just shoot. While photos, at least for me, takes a lot more time due to composition, timing, blah blah blah.
*** No photos allowed inside the popular tourist spot. The multi-level whimsical house also serves as an interactive museum on all things animation plus a cafe – the ice cream cone is so good btw – and a souvenir shop.
This is me realizing I didn’t take any photos from having too much fun inside the planetarium, haha! Don’t worry, videos I got loads of — so you gotta watch to know what I’m talking about!
The calm before the Halloween storm…
Halloween in such disciplined cultures like Japan give you something to look forward to and I truly wasn’t disappointed.
In fact, the highlight of Shibuya was when I tried to make friends in the subway as comically shared on Instagram.
It’s never too early to plan for your winter Japan trips! Need ideas for snow festivals? Click here, here, here and here. Then you can check out more of my Japan trips here.
So what’s your plan for Halloween? I’m still deciding whether to dress up this year or not. Should I? Will you?
Love & light,