Sleeping inside an actual snow Igloo after catching a glimpse of the elusive Northern Lights are easily some of the highlights of my 2017!
On the flip side, if you’ve been following me on Instagram, you would know that 2017 is the devastating year as my only brother passed away.
To say this year has been internally turbulent for me and my family is an understatement. However in more ways than one, I must credit travel to be a form of healing therapy.
Social media may paint a picture perfect life but not everything is always what it seems.
Going through the Grieving Process – still currently going back & forth emotionally as you are reading this; it has humbled me so much.
Ironically, the passing of my brother Miko was also the catalyst to finally launching this website.
Perhaps a little too late as he’s responsible for helping me set up my website. So for him not to see how it has come to fruition – sadly by force – still breaks my heart at the thought.
Although behind the cloth of tears and regrets, there are also breakthroughs that slowly manifest themselves.
In my case, it is through my travels this year that my soul slowly came back to life.
One in particular that truly set a spark after feeling so heavy and hopeless is the trip my sister, daughter and I took to Northern Europe: Lapland, Finland.
Thanks to my amazing sister who planned it all, we got to check off a bucketlist wish: sleeping inside a snow Igloo and saw the Northern Lights!
Rekindling the little girls in all of us, Lapland is also where we got to visit the official home of Santa Claus and crossed the Arctic Circle!
If you haven’t seen my holiday episode from last week in where I also filmed in Bryant Park, New York, add this to your binge watch list this Christmas break!
Who would have thought that sub-zero temperatures and snow could bring so much warmth back in one’s life? Believe me, travel can do many wonders for your spirit.
Today’s episode is my last one for this year. I wanted it to be something so different from what you are used to here in the tropics. My goal is to take you somewhere far away in the hopes that this will inspire your upcoming adventures for 2018 – literally and as an evolving individual.
Let me take you back to Lapland but this time, to experience the Northern Lights with me and my personal favorite: sleeping inside a snow igloo!
The tour includes camping inside a small wooden teepee-shaped cabin to stay warm while waiting for the auroras to show themselves.
Northern Europe is a very vegetarian-friendly part of the world, thank goodness. While everyone got to grill sausages and chicken nuggets, I got to enjoy sweet/savory spinach pancakes with cheese! Soooooo good!! Can you tell?
I wish I could say I have the greatest shots of the Northern Lights from that cold, negative 7C evening in April. AS much as I have a budding passion for mobile photography, I’m not a professional photographer nor do I have a pro camera.
You know when you stare at the glaring sun or any light source, your vision loses focus? Hence, flash photography affects the way our eyes focus on the sky. In this case, the Northern Lights, so it is strictly not allowed. Inevitably, it truly posed a challenge.
I may not have many photos but videos – oh ya, got lots of those! I explain and show you so much more from that evening on today’s episode! How much of the Northern Lights danced in the sky that night? So watch!
After hiking up and down the hill, we headed back to camp to sleep inside a snow Igloo for the night.
Leave it to vanity for me to find a way to still look as remotely photo-ready as possible despite the cold and fatigue, haha!
But when it got even colder, no amount of blush could hide my nearly lethargic face, lol.
There are not enough words to describe HOW HEAVY our snow gear was. It’s no joke having to get into them and then hiking in them as well. That alone made it more tiring but in a way, helped keep us warm from mild sweating.
Perhaps in some cases when the winter fairytale is mentally over, aka, if you can no longer stomach the cold. The snow Igloo is right across a full-service cabin.
Watch the episode where I take you inside the Igloo, the cabin and so much more. What do you think? Did I stay all night or give up?!
I dedicate this post to my parents who let me, my sister and my daughter proceed with the month-long trip despite my brother’s passing being so recent last April.
If there’s ever a time they needed us the most to heal together as a family, it would’ve been then. And yet, my parents generously sacrificed just so us three girls could bond.
I guess that’s why this trip, we three agree was one of the best in our lives. The inner child in us found healing through travel. Bittersweet.
Thank you for taking this adventure with me through my lowest of lows and all its highs. Know that you all have been a part of my healing and happiness.
Thank you for taking a chance on this passion project of mine. I promise to take you away with me to more magical places in 2018.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and if you’ve got any questions you’d like to ask, send them here.
Happy holidays and a wonderful new year to all of you and your loved ones!
Love & light,
Ever hear of a place called Lapland? But firstly, do you (still) believe in Santa Claus? Oh you know the whole deal: Santa and his reindeers?
Just like our parents who dutifully kept Santa’s “secret” to us little tots every Christmas, there is an actual place on Earth that allows you to celebrate the magic of Christmas all year round!
So in the northernmost region of Finland is Lapland. Its capital is Rovianemi. This is where the Arctic Circle is – the official home of Santa Claus!
No, for the real.
No matter what time of year, upon entering the Lapland airport, you suddenly forget where you are because all you can think of is, “oh my goodness, it’s Christmas!”
In books, Santa lives in the North Pole. Technically, the Arctic Circle is south of the North Pole. So I guess you can say they are almost the same thing. I mean, one can only hope Santa’s toy factory with all those elves make up a large part of the planet right? More toys for you! Haha!
Today’s episode officially marks the Christmas season on the VLOG.
What better way to welcome the season of magic, of giving and all things fuzzy & nice (although a little naughty never hurt anyone, wink) than with a film about Santa?!
Just as I shot my Thanksgiving episode in YALE University, New Haven – yup – so extra isn’t it?!
This time around, am coming to you from Bryant Park Christmas Village in New York City! Silly me wanting to add more sparkle to your holiday…
You know the drill: WATCH, WATCH, WATCH as this written post is merely an introduction for the Christmas film.
Of course, I will never contest that Disneyland is “the happiest place on Earth.” However, Santa’s Village in Lapland, the only amusement park in the Arctic also delivers its own unique kind of magic – getting to meet its permanent resident, Santa Claus.
The Christmas-themed amusement park is located right on the Arctic Circle – another showstopper as you’ll see in the episode.
So apart than meeting Santa and his elves, you can step from one side to the other. How cool is that? No pun intended.
Then what’s the big deal with the Arctic Circle you might ask? For me at least, it is pretty much like saying you are standing on the North or South Pole! How many times in your life can you actually say that?
Watch today’s episode as I show you all around Santa’s Village, meet Santa himself and explain why standing on the Arctic Circle is bucket list-worthy!
Like milk & cookies, Santa and his reindeers always go together. How else could he deliver countless gifts to boys and girls all over the world?
One of the highlights of Lapland is visiting one of many reindeer farms. In fact, there are sooooo many reindeers in Lapland, both wild and trained. So much so that nearly every restaurant, from Mexican to Japanese, reindeer meat is always a menu offering.
Reindeers are used for farming in Lapland as carabaos are in the Philippines. What an awesome Santa moment riding my own rustic reindeer sleigh that thank god my phone didn’t fly over as you’ll see my reindeer was a bad – I mean, naughty ass!
On top of that, we also got to feed the many reindeers and learned so much about these beautiful, gentle creatures over hot cocoa and biscuits.
The greatest thing about dreaming a dream is that, it has no boundaries and they are yours to keep.
Your faith, your hope and your imagination are the little cheering squad in your heart telling you to never stop believing in yourself.
No one has to know for only you hold the secrets to your heart.
Santa is not necessarily a person. He is a symbol of the things you wish for. The dreams, the aspirations and the desires of your heart that you always long for!
Likewise, Santa and the season of giving are reminders for us that it is not always about receiving. Offering our time, our kindness, our sincerity are the greatest of all gifts. For they are the intangibles never to be found under the Christmas tree. They are given straight from the heart.
That for me is the greatest gift of all – ourselves in all its warmth and authenticity.
Promise yourself or shall I say, be nice to yourself as Santa would hope for…
Always remember, for as long as you are alive, you should never let the fire of your dreams die – the magic that pushes you forward.
Magic is in knowing you bring a joy to this world that no one else can compare to. The gift that you are worthy of love and worthy to be shared.
Sharing my heart and my kind of magic with you today and everyday!
Next week, exploring more of Lapland as I take you to see the Northern Lights and what it’s really like sleeping inside a snow igloo!
Since Finland is part of Scandinavia, enjoy more posts from Northern Europe here, here, here, then more here, here here, annnnnd here! HAHA! Loads to binge watch on this holiday!
While you’re at it, share some love with me this holiday by subscribing to my YouTube channel
You ready to watch today’s Christmas story?
Happy Holidays from my heart to yours…
Love, Light & Magic,
As a Filipino who doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, I’ll be the first to admit my knowledge of its backstory is very limited.
Coincidentally, I got to experience my very first pre-thanksgiving festivities during my trip to the East Coast in the USA just this month.
So I figured it’s quite appropriate to do a thanksgiving episode from everything I learned in Plymouth and Cape Cod, Massachusetts – the places I am featuring today.
This episode is a departure from what I usually shoot – inside a studio. For starters, I shot in YALE UNIVERSITY, New Haven, Connecticut! Haha! How pompous is that? Since I happen to be there already, might as well try something new!
In case you’re wondering why I was in YALE as I actually spent a whole week there, I shared a very personal message on Instagram.
Speaking of, I also shared how I visited both, Harvard and Yale. On the VLOG soon!
Until then, make sure to watch today’s episode as pictures can only capture so much.
Like the cross of Magellan, this is the symbol of when the British pilgrims settled in Plymouth – Plymouth Rock.
An interactive museum, the Plymouth Plantation is a fantastic way to learn how the Pilgrims and Native Americans used to live in the 17th century. I show you all around and make sense of these photos you see here in today’s episode.
Staying true to their character, you will truly feel like you’re taken back in time. You can converse and ask them anything! Pretty entertaining when I got to chat with some of them as seen in the episode.
Technically, the Mayflower arrived at Cape Cod first in November 1620 but due to harsh weather conditions, they settled in Plymouth instead that December.
So these two towns in Massachusetts historically go together.
It’s also in Cape Cod where I visited the JFK memorial on that rainy autumn day. There’s a lot to share about the JFK’s and Cape Cod but I wanted to focus on Thanksgiving events today.
The gloomy weather in Cape Cod called for a hearty meal! While the rest of the world opts for Turkey, I had the #1 rated New England Clam Chowder in Cape Cop at Captain Parker’s, which I also shared on Instagram.
Given that Cape Cod is a by the water, seafood is the specialty. So my pre-Thanksgiving meal was none other than lobsters!
While thanksgiving is mostly associated with Christopher Columbus, his journey was actually back in 1492. The Mayflower voyage of the British pilgrims date back to 1620.
I share in today’s episode how the “First Thanksgiving” all began. At the same time, I share my personal thoughts on what I truly think Thanksgiving is all about now that Columbus Day is no longer considered such in most US states. Something I’m actually very grateful for.
As you’ll get to see, I dedicate this heartfelt post to all the indgenous people and Native Americans who lost their lives, their loved ones and a big part of their history, nearly forgotten, until today.
If you notice I barely got into detail in this post because this website’s focus is really on the VLOG – my YouTube channel. So I encourage you to watch and subscribe.
Let’s not wait all year to be thankful for all the blessings we receive.
I am so grateful that you’re all taking this journey with me since I started this blog.
I am grateful that as time passes, my heart is slowly healing since my brother passed away.
Too many to cite, I am eternally grateful that I continue to educate my curious spirit as I travel world. Then in turn, being able to share them with you.
Honestly, I don’t know why I love sharing educational trivia on my social media more than anything else. Quite frankly it’s such a tedious practice having to listen intently to tour guides or reading brochures to fact check.
Whatever the reason is, a part of it is knowing that I choose to use my voice to share something positive, useful and hopefully, inspiring. As I am aware not everyone has the chance to travel or others prefer to learn outside of schools & text books.
So here I am, encouraging you to travel with me, one post at a time.
A wonderful thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.
What are you most grateful for?
Love & light,
Do you remember the last time you were able to communicate effectively? It feels so good when your message goes across so smoothly right? To communicate in such a way where you feel this release because you feel validated.
But what about when they misconstrue your words? When they misinterpret your intentions or make you feel stupid after being so brave for opening up?
I know I have. And I bet my life, you have too.
If I had a nickel for every person I meet or reconnect with from the past who say the same thing, “Bianca, you’re actually not what I thought you were…You’re just really misunderstood.”
For you to understand where I am coming from, allow me to back track a bit. See, I used to be a very angry, emotionally destructive & defensive person. Having been bullied for many years as an adolescent, I grew up to be in what I refer to as, “defense mode” 24/7.
The damage it did to my psyche made survival instinct, my daily default disposition.
Rather than just standing at ease, imagine being in fighting stance, all day long — emotionally and psychologically. It was draining and brought out the worst in me. But of course, I didn’t know it back then.
Even if I was already grown up, the teenage girl inside of me always felt it had to put up a fight the moment anyone tries to or what I perceived as trying to take advantage of me.
So for many years even after I became a mom, I was this seemingly tough, loud, iron chick that didn’t realize, was sadly broken inside.
Pain can really damage a person’s spirit. I became a very closed-off person. It is safe to presume that life hardened me from an early age.
In retrospect, my (unconscious) way to come off as strong, instead became rubbing people the wrong way and coming on too strong. Bottomline, I wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea (and I’m sure that still applies).
As a result, this always made me feel misunderstood and it was so frustrating. The more I tried to express myself and communciate in my own way, the worse it got. It got awkward and made me lose confidence in myself even more.
All I knew in my heart, I meant well. So how come no one could see that?
Oftentimes we think the main goal of communication is to feel understood. When in fact the other goal, which I think is also of equal importance, is to understand.
It’s always about “what about me? Why can’t they listen to me? Understand me? Know my point of view?”
Put yourself in another’s shoes, they’re asking exactly the same things of you. Why can’t you understand them?
Communication is a two way street: to be heard is just as crucial as listening.
Time tested and made accountable for my past mistakes, I have dear friends AND enemies to thank. They made me blatantly or consequentially aware of my shortcomings.
Now I look back at my old self and I am like, what the fuck — CRINGE!!!
I wish I could say, oh god was that really me? But nope, it’s more like: hell ya, that was me. I was that person. WAS.
I don’t want to be her anymore. I don’t need to. As time continues to pass, I feel safer in my own skin and that little girl no longer exists. I became aware and empowered that my past cannot hurt me anymore.
Tell me. Can you relate? Do you look back at things you’ve said and done then think how different you are now?
In no way am I making excuses for my past behavior. If anything, I’m owning up to it.
Look, I don’t need to share what my mom refers to as, “dirty laundry.” I mean, I’ve managed to put the past behind with dignity, so why bring it up now?
Obviously back then, I wasn’t aware of my reactive type of behavior. It’s taken a long time to realize who I was then to who I am now.
I share this because I am hoping that even just one person wakes up from reading this. I pray that in some minuscule way, this post triggers something deep inside of you that needs to heal. A trauma, a hurt that’s been shelved in the back of your psyche that you may have forgotten about but it unknowingly reemerges through relationships you engage in.
Trust me when I say, they resurface most especially through communication – today’s topic.
“Pay close attention to whatever triggers a reaction from you. Your triggers reveal the spot where an ancient pain is still buried.” ~ Unknown
For as long as we are still alive, you and I are still works in process. What matters is you become aware of the person you were, who you’ve become and who you want to be. Have you improved? Have you grown and matured? Awareness is the key word here folks.
We all want to feel validated. It gives value to your existence: that you are something to someone, to anyone.
What do you think social media is? A big social experiment where every person communicates images and thoughts in the hopes of feeling understood in the form of “Likes.”
While this is not the healthiest nor recommended way to build genuine self-esteem, it is an unstoppable way because it is the easiest.
The existence and obsession with social media is proof that when people understand us, it makes us feel good about ourselves.
My personal story is something I’ve wanted to share with you because that last thing I want to imply is that my life is all about daisies and jet setting.
It’s been a very turbulent ride as you’ll learn little by little. Never one to share personal things about myself, I opened up on Instagram how I was deemed to never make anything of herself.
For starters, my very first motivational post, 10 Easy Ways to Build Confidence is from my own experiences of coming from nothing (emptiness and low self-esteem).
It’s one my personal favorites on the VLOG as they are very doable ways I’ve battle-tested. They’ve truly helped me become the person I am today but of course, the journey does not stop to being even better.
I hope I can impart something useful with these life-lessons with you.
In today’s episode, I share 5 factors that will help us communicate better.
If you think about it, this goes against what I previously said: that it isn’t just about you but the other person as well. Yes. But since we cannot control the reactions of others, the only thing we can control is ourselves.
We alone can choose what attitude to have going toward the goal of expressing ourselves effectively.
As with all things life, it is never a guarantee but it doesn’t hurt to have a strategy when communicating with others.
Not Always About You
Watch today’s episode and I explain each one with examples and how it can help you feel validated in various aspects of your life.
No I am not some annoying pretentious expert and I cannot guarantee fantastic results.
What I can guarantee though is that once you apply these disciplines slowly into your life, you will feel empowered, equipped and confident when faced with different types of people and situations.
In fact, there will be instances – many of them, where no matter how effective you think you are at communicating, there will be people who will never understand you for two reasons: either they don’t care to and will make sure you sense that to bring you down or they truly want to understand you but are limited to their own level of perception or maturity.
This is a great way to manage your expectations. That way, you’ll never be disappointed.
As always, what I share are things I’ve learned along the way from personal experiences, both the easy and the hard way.
Change is a process and an everyday discipline. Some days are on point and some days I just can’t be bothered.
Am I still an angry person? Am I still a bitch? That girl with issues? Fuck yes! No good can exist without the bad. You will always carry remnants of your past no matter how far you’ve come. They are not meant to drag you down but they are reminders of who you don’t want to be anymore. The choice is up to you: Keep growing or keep blaming.
We cannot learn lessons unless we first acknowledge there is a problem. So know that the point of today’s episode is that, your message does not need to change – it’s how you express it that will.
I’m rooting for you.
You are not alone.
I hear you because there must be a reason why you are giving this post a try and read all the way to the end. Hopefully in turn, you too will listen to my message of love and encouragement.
Ultimately, the one person you communicate with the most is yourself.
So ask yourself, do you communciate love and with love? Respect? Encouragement? Or do you tell yourself lies to escape responsibility, accountability and reality? Do you bombard yourself with self-doubt and negativity?
Communication begins and ends with you.
Are you ready to watch?! Please don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!
For more motivational posts on various topics, you can see them here.
Love & light,
Being away for a whole month touring the different provinces and cities of Canada makes for a whole lot of episodes to share on each and every one.
However for this week, allow me to share the highlights of my trip, an overview if you will.
It all started when I was asked to host a surprise 50th birthday party in Toronto by a lovely couple, Lowell & Kat Palermo. I also had the privilege of hosting their wedding in Palawan two years ago.
From there, I figured since I already made my way to Toronto, I might as well tour around Canada with my family. So that’s exactly what happened…
Toronto certainly felt like I was just in the Philippines because nearly everyone is Filipino, lol. Not to mention I had chanced upon the Filipino food festival at Nathan’s Square!
One of my memorable and hands down phenomenal meals from the whole trip was at Kiin in Toronto.
Not only was I reunited with old time friends, Mike Zerrudo & Jeff Regular, but I also finally met the phenomenal heart behind Pai, Kiin and other top rated sister Thai restaurants in the city. She is none other than celebrity Chef Nuit Regular, Jeff’s wonderfully sweet wife.
If you follow my travels, you would know how Bangkok is like a second home to me and Thai food is very close to my heart. So to savor fantastic, traditional Thai cuisine prepared by the talented chef Nuit who happens to be Thai herself, is such a privilege! Full episode on Kiin soon!
Other than Toronto, Kat, Lowell and their dear friend, who was also my photographer, haha, Myko Arenajo took me outside the city to see more of what Ontario has to offer like the beautiful Parkwood Estate in Oshawa, to name a few. You’ll see more of it on today’s episode.
Then of course, a trip to Canada or perhaps, Ontario would not be complete without a visit to the majestic Niagara Falls.
The nature-loving girl in me instantly fell in love with Newfoundland. Dreamy landscapes, puffin watching, playing with nearly extinct breed of horses, the Cappahayden and enjoying supers fresh seafood, Newfoundland is a place I would return to!
Now we’ve come to my favorite one amongst the bunch, Nova Scotia. So much so that I would consider living there one day. Japan now has competition!
In NS, you’ll discover two of my favorite foods: Berries and Lobsters!
Nova Scotia is the only province in Canada that has an official berry as it’s the blueberry capital of the country.
Add to that, NS is the largest exporter of lobsters in the world! So when in NS, expect that lobsters are served everywhere and in every way possible!
There’s so much to share on the beauty and fascinating history behind Nova Scotia.
For one, Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia situates the resting place of some of the victims of the greatest maritime disaster of all time, the Titanic – which I elaborated on Instagram.
If you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like to be in France without leaving North America or stepping foot into Europe, Quebec marks the spot.
Also known as the Other France, French is the native tongue. You can observe how the locals can barely speak English.
Quebec is home to the most photographed hotel in the world, the Chateau Frontenac.
While Niagara Falls may get all the fuss and press, did you know the French-Canadians are proud to share that Montmorency Falls is actually 30meters higher?
A delightful juxtaposition of old and new, Montreal is well-loved by Canadians and tourists alike – but don’t say that to those from Quebec, haha! The, shall I say, younger sister of Quebec City, Montreal which is also located in Quebec province is a Mecca for art, art and even more art.
Quebec City is all about the old world charm while Montreal brings in the cosmopolitan frenzy of the future.
And then there is the capital and political center of Canada, the province of Ottawa.
This was about the time when my quota for Canadian food had hit its limit, lol and so the Asian in me was bursting out of the seams!
Thank god the festive ByWard Market’s vast culinarily offerings did not disappoint. Thank you Saigon Vietnamese restaurant for making my stay in Ottawa even more enjoyable!
A big wonderful thanks to Lowell, Kat, Myko, Kat’s wonderful mom and family for making my Toronto leg of the trip so fun and memorable.
From hosting your wedding in Palawan… It all started with you both. Deeply grateful you’ve chosen me to be part of your family’s journey of milestones and we’ve now become friends.
You ready to watch?!
Check out my other highlight posts featuring South Korea, Scandinavia or Northern Europe, St. Petersburg, Russia and Iceland.
Got any suggestions where I should visit in Canada next? Comment below!
Love & Light,
Hanoi is home to one of my favorite cuisines in the world – Vietnamese.
As the capital and political center of Vietnam, Hanoi is where you’ll find the mausoleum of revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh and the now culinary Hanoi gem, the “Obama Noodle” at Huong Lien; made famous by Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown.
Don’t worry, today’s delectable episode won’t dip into politics. The only dipping you’ll be doing is with some rice noodles as they do with Bún Chả.
I’m ecstatic to dedicate this Hanoi feature just for food – from the streets to fine dining. Rest assured I got more episodes coming up on Hanoi but for now, I’m taking you on a Hanoi Food Tour.
Gentle reminder as always: the meat of the story, no pun intended, is in the video. This written post merely serves as an intro to the VLOG post so make sure to watch!
Bún Chả, aka, Obama Noodle
Originating from Hanoi, Bún Chả or recently earning the nickname, Obama Noodle, you can find it at Huong Lien restaurant.
Usually served a la carte, you can (almost all tourists like myself) order the Obama Set which sums up to about USD5. Watch the episode as I take you inside the restaurant where Anthony Bourdain shared a meal with Former US President, Barrack Obama.
On a side note: Quite telling that when I asked where the Anthony Bourdain restaurant that was featured on CNN, no one had a clue what I was talking about. But the moment I said, “Obama,” everyone knew what I was referring to.
It’s so funny because I was more drawn to try the dish because of Anthony than I was of Barrack, to be honest. If you follow Bourdain’s shows, every single restaurant he features becomes legendary. To each his own recall, I guess.
Snail Phở
Phở or Vietnam’s version of ramen is probably (in my opinion) its most popular global offering alongside fresh spring rolls and Bánh mì.
Phở is mainly served with chicken or beef. Ironically, during my previous trips to Vietnam, whether Hanoi or Saigon, I’ve never had the chance to enjoy a bowl because traditionally, vegetarian or seafood phở is just not an option.
Until my sister shared there is a snail vermicelli soup I could try as it’s a Hanoi specialty called, Bún ốc.
There’s coffee and then, there is Egg Coffee. Invented by Mr. Nguyen Giang in 1946, the cult following of Giang Cafe’s lusciously liquified custard-like drink is not only with the Hanoi locals but even to avid coffee drinkers from all over the world as well.
Leave it to Celebrity Chef, Restauranteur & TV Personality, Gordon Ramsey to put this restaurant’s name on the map.
Old Hanoi was the venue used for his former TV series, “Gordon’s Great Escape.”
Chef Ramsey may have left but the dishes he helped create for the menu leave a memorably distinct local flavor in your mouth.
Watch how my sister and I pretty much ordered the entire menu to try, lol.
Shame on me for forgetting to get the proper Vietnamese name of the dish but Quán gốc Đa is a one stop shop for all things fried.
Apparently, for every type of fried dumpling, there is a specific name.
Fried dumplings are a very popular street snack in Hanoi, served in various ways. This one (I elaborate in the video) is served with fresh herbs, which you wrap the dumpling in then dipped in a vinegar type of sauce. The herbs and sauce are such a staple in Vietnamese cuisine as the freshness and acidity, respectively, cut the greasiness in certain dishes such as this.
Now this, I give 5 thumbs to!
Don’t you love eat-all-you-can setups but oftentimes never get to try everything because the servings are too big! Then you feel guilty for wasting food so you stick to the food on your plate and are left wondering about the other dishes.
I feel your pain!
Luckily, Ngon Villa is an eat-all-you-can restaurant with a fine-dining setup. It serves a delightful array of Vietnamese dishes from various regions. Order as many tasting-menu-sized items as you want without the guilt!
It’s actually not as small as one would expect from a typical tasting menu. Servings are still relatively big and just delicious!
No trip to Vietnam is complete without trying traditional Vietnamese coffee. Together with Turkish coffee, Vietnamese coffee are my favorites.
Littered all around the city, cafes like Kim Lai Cafe sell specialty coffee beans and grounds.
Next to Phở and fresh spring rolls, Vietnam’s version of a sub sandwich, the Bánh Mì, is a popular on-the-go street food. Just like Phở, it is commonly served with meat barbecues or as a sweet snack with condensed milk.
In past trips until now, I continue to search for street vendors who sell a vegetarian or even a fish option. Yes I know I can find those varieties in specialty restaurants or cafes (more often than not, outside of Vietnam) but no matter what anyone says, for me, there is really nothing like enjoying local delicacies right off the streets.
So I merely just admire the locals and tourists chowing down on their own rustic French baguettes.
Thankfully, there are many places that satiate your cravings like the Paris-inspired cafe La Terrasse at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi.
The five-star luxury hotel is considered the most beautiful hotel in Vietnam and one of the most beautifu hotels in South East Asia.
This is where my sister and I spent the afternoon for high tea (and for me —- hot-guys-by-the-pool-watching, haha!)
Until I saw the menu serving a smoked salmon Bánh Mì! Of course this was my chance to finally try, what for me is such an elusive street food. Only this time, it’s the gourmet version. Can you tell by my loving gaze??
So my canapé became more like a massive sandwich!
Now I can understand if street food isn’t your thing and international dishes are more up your alley.
Might I recommend the fine dining restaurant of the Lotte Hotel Hanoi is a two-for-one special.
At Grill 66, apart from savoring premium steak, seafood and wine, you also get a 360-degree view of Hanoi. Hence the name as it’s on the 66th floor. No worries, all good vibes here!
The breakfast buffet on the other hand is a vast, sumptuous mix of international, Vietnamese and Korean. And I am ALL ABOUT breakfast buffets!
Cap off the day with a view of the city unlike any other. Just right above Grill 66 is the Lotte Hanoi’s must-visit hotspot – the Top of Hanoi.
The open modern bar and restaurant occupies the whole rooftop of the hotel.
The Lotte Hanoi is currently the second tallest skyscraper but also the tallest hotel in the capital city.
In terms of customer service, it has to be one of the best hotels I’ve stayed at in the world! Yes – in the world, I said.
An episode on hotels coming soon!
It opens from sunset until the wee hours. I happen to chance upon a DJ’s booth, which I presume becomes a club at certain days or events.
I’ve also got a Top 10: Sapporo Food Guide where I hit Hokkaido’s capital city’s top rated restos, izakayas, breakfast buffet and more.
You can check out more food posts here and here.
Hope you enjoy today’s episode! There’s more food posts to come!
Love & light,
What do you get when you combine Halloween and Japan? A whimsical, epic time filled with silly spooks, sick sci-fi and a myriad of colorful chaos!
It’s been awhile since I’d gotten dressed for Halloween but that’s not to say I don’t love a good show.
So today’s episode is all about experiencing Halloween in one of my favorite countries!
Though Halloween is essentially one evening in a year, I’m featuring the highlights of my Japan two-week family trip last October 2016.
You’ll get to see what activities there are to enjoy not just in Tokyo but in Sapporo and Nagoya as well – whether you’re in costume or not.
Showing a few snippets here from the few times I managed to remember to take photos from too much fun but the real content is in the video – as I always always mention in every post.
I find that taking videos is so much easier than photos — you just shoot. While photos, at least for me, takes a lot more time due to composition, timing, blah blah blah.
*** No photos allowed inside the popular tourist spot. The multi-level whimsical house also serves as an interactive museum on all things animation plus a cafe – the ice cream cone is so good btw – and a souvenir shop.
This is me realizing I didn’t take any photos from having too much fun inside the planetarium, haha! Don’t worry, videos I got loads of — so you gotta watch to know what I’m talking about!
The calm before the Halloween storm…
Halloween in such disciplined cultures like Japan give you something to look forward to and I truly wasn’t disappointed.
In fact, the highlight of Shibuya was when I tried to make friends in the subway as comically shared on Instagram.
It’s never too early to plan for your winter Japan trips! Need ideas for snow festivals? Click here, here, here and here. Then you can check out more of my Japan trips here.
So what’s your plan for Halloween? I’m still deciding whether to dress up this year or not. Should I? Will you?
Love & light,
Welcome to my first make-up tutorial featuring KKW Beauty!
Here’s what you will learn:
That Bianca Valerio has a lot to learn on how to do a blogger-type of make-up tutorial & posts, hahahaha!
Man, have I been whipped by the pro beauty bloggers who make it look easy as pie!
The blogging realm is truly something so new to me that my background in TV, onstage demos and traditional photo shoots are such a stark contrast.
Then again, I realize it’s also me being nervous as if it were a first date. As my first attempt into creating beauty videos, of course I want them to be awesome.
So rather than try to be some annoying poser, I might as well be as real as possible.
Ever so briefly, before travel vlogging came into play, one of my many professions is actually a make-up artist.
In fact, I even wrote a book about it in 2011 after graduating from Make-Up Designory in Los Angeles.
Admittedly, due to busy schedules and putting more focus on traveling over the past three years, make-up has taken a backseat — for the meantime.
That’s not to say beauty from the inside out: make-up to skincare and personality development have always and will forever be a passion of mine. These three I share in my book, including live skincare, make-up demos and motivational talks.
Strangely, I am much more used to speaking in high-adrenaline, large crowds vs a lone camera, lol.
So even if it doesn’t seem that way, when I confess how reluctantly shy I am to vlogging, that really is the truth. Recall one of my easy tips to Building Confidence, “Fake It Til You Make It?” Well, that definitely applies here.
I’ve been meaning to translate all that I’ve previously mentioned, here on the website. So I have Kim Kardashian to thank, haha!
Finally, that day has come!
Let’s get straight to business. But if you wish to know more about my professional background in beauty, you can see it here.
Given that this is PART 2 of KKW Beauty, head on over to PART 1 to check out my very first unboxing on the VLOG! Not my finest work I must admit, haha! You’ll see!
For starters, it doesn’t take a genius to gather that KKW Beauty Contour & Highlight Kit’s hefty price of USD48 + international shipping is more about Kim’s name than the actual value for money aspect. As you can see, the product is quite small and the actual amount of product isn’t much either from let’s say, your NARS-sized Multiple Stick or the newly launched Fenty Beauty Match Stix, types. I share more on the episode.
With a heavy hand, you’re bound to finish off the matte contour stick especially with just a few applications.
To get the best value for your money or not run out of product so quickly, use the kit as a touch-up kit vs a pro full-on one.
But to be fair, given the price, you’re getting three products in a set: the matte, the shimmer sticks plus a dual-ended brush.
Leave it to us ladies to justify the costs we pay in the name of fashion & beauty, haha!
If you’ve been following this blog, you already know the drill – you’ll have to watch to find out as I share all the pros and cons!
In today’s episode, I’ll be giving an easy make-up tutorial on how to use the contour kit and give an honest review on the full loot, down to the brush quality.
There’s more beauty posts to come, I promise!
Thank you so much for sharing this very new experience with me, as silly as it may seem! All I want is for your guys to learn a little thing or two and have more reasons to smile each day from every single thing I post.
Each post, truly is a piece of my heart to you.
Check out my first beauty review for the website here.
Can’t wait to share more with you! Any special requests? Perhaps travel isn’t your thing and a make-up tutorial is more up your alley?
Would love to hear from you on what you’d like to me VLOG about. Just shoot me a message here or comment below.
Ready to watch & learn?
Love, light & highlights,
Unboxing KKW Beauty is this big deal in the make-up and blogging world for obvious reasons.
I’ll be the first to admit I bought into the internet hype when Kim Kardashian-West launched her own make-up line: KKW Beauty.
So much so I got up at 2:55am Manila time just to set my three browsers on attack mode when 3am hit. I was locked and loaded to get first dibs on the contour kits and lippies in collab with her sister Kylie (who is soooo pregnant btw, in case you haven’t heard, lol).
So I wanted to make my very first unboxing on the VLOG to be about these much anticipated KKW Beauty babies!
While this is unboxing KKW Beauty, don’t forget to head on over PART 2 where I also my very first make-up tutorial for the VLOG!
I promise to serve up the real deal on what I think KKW Beauty Contour & Highlight Kits, the Creme Lippie collab with Kylie Cosmetics, the pros, cons & so much more.
Ready to watch? Let’s go!
Love, light & lippies,
The Hitachi Seaside Park is one of the many gardens in Japan both tourists and locals are so fascinated by.
I am actually quite envious of countries like Japan that put so much value and care for nature. Whether forest or floral gardens, Hitachi Seaside Park is just one the many gardens Japan is famous for.
I still recall the time falling into this magical teary-eyed trance upon stepping into the enchanting Kawachi Fujien Wisteria Tunnel in Fukuoka…
That spring awakening blossomed into a love affair for Japanese gardens and that led me to Hokkaido in the summertime for all the most popular flower fields!
For this episode, it’s perfect for autumn as the Hitachi Seaside Park has several seasonal floral offerings. Giving you reason to visit the park more than once a year.
Fall is when you’ll find the quirky, bright pink kochia! It’s one thing to look at it then actually touch it. It’s certainly not what you expect it to be.
Straight out of a cartoon, Autumn blooms never looked so quirky…
Other than blossoms, there’s so much more to this massive park than what photos might suggest.
Watch this week’s episode to see what else the Hitachi Seaside Park is home to.
HINT: It’s not flowers.
Love & light,
Location: Mito, Ibaraki, Japan
Going on a wild African safari has always been a dream of mine. My heart overflows with so much joy at the idea of being around animals.
Name it: snakes to squirrels or dogs to dinosaur fossils, each one is so fascinating that even the scariest ones I have much love and respect for.
To give you an idea, my family once had a pet snake, three iguanas, over 30 small fishes, about 20 Persian, Himalayan and Rag Doll cats (all at the same time, mind you, lol) and currently, three dogs.
Which reminds me, have you seen the episode where I was over the moon meeting Arya Stark’s horse from my Game of Thrones post?
Yes, I really do love animals.
So imagine my excitement to discover safari zoos so close to the Philippines!
Safari World is a wonderful surprise for the animal lover as it’s only 45 minutes away from Bangkok city.
Riding your own vehicle (you usually book the tour from the city), you get to roam around the zoo grounds just as you would in an African safari.
It’s at the end where you arrive at the actual zoo itself.
What’s the highlight? You need to watch today’s episode to see all the candid, crazy, unforgettable moments captured with such majestic Safari animals!
Tourists are taken on a very rustic bus around the impressively vast zoo grounds to feed the different animals from zebras to giraffes, deers and more.
All the fun is in the feeding as each animal we perceive to be shy and harmless in cartoons can actually be quite the naughty ones like this zebra who zoomed in to take the giraffe’s food, haha!
Personally though, the highlight of it all for a separate extra fee is feeding baby leopards and lion cubs!!! UNREAL.
Do they bite? What are they like? Are they mistreating the animals?
Watch and find out.
The video shows it all, I promise! These photos don’t do any justice.
I always stress, the written posts are are merely the introduction to each VLOG episode.
There are more animals to come on the VLOG from Japan, Phuket to the Arctic Circle. So don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!
Love & light,
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Answering another set of your questions for #DearBiancaV or Dear Bianca V!
If you’ve seen the first one, I answered a variety of questions from fashion tips to dating advice, addressing suicidal thoughts & more.
This time I’ve put together some travel questions so it’s easier for you to find them within the website.
Keep those #DearBiancaV questions coming by sending them anonymously here. If that doesn’t bother you, then you can send them here.
If you’re not sure exactly what Dear Bianca V is, lol, no worries! You can learn more here.
Ready to watch? Please share to anyone you know this could be of help to and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!
Safe travels and have fun!
Love & light,