To be or not to be, that is the question.” ~ William Shakespeare
If you remember your high school literature, Hamlet is sure to ring a bell.
So for this week’s episode, how fitting to feature Denmark’s Kronborg Castle, which is said to be the setting of Shakespeare’s notable play.
It’s been awhile since Europe’s been on the website making this specific week in history just fitting.
Apart from April 23 being the famous playwright’s birthday where International Shakespeare Day is celebrated in England; the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, Will and Kate, welcomed their third son, the 5th heir to the throne, on the same day!
Hope you enjoy today’s royal feature as I take you inside the Unesco World Heritage site. I share the unbelievable stories of Kronborg Castle from royal banquets to canon balls over wine.
Take a tour around Scandinavia here and here.
Love, light and literature,
Location: Kronborg Castle, Denmark, Europe
Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and like what you see?
Don’t worry, we’re not taking the spotlight away from your beaming personality or your kindred spirit. I am simply referring to your physicality – your face.
In the same way we need a bra or a best friend for that much needed support, I can name two other things I recently discovered that certainly gave me a reassuring boost that I didn’t even think I would want or need: baby Botox and get this, lip fillers from Belo Medical.
Why must there be a stigma when getting beauty procedures? Why are we made to feel ashamed for wanting to look and feel good?
And yet freeing the nipple among other things like I don’t know… your naked body??… on Instagram isn’t alarming.
Oftentimes the only thing holding us back from finally trying out the latest beauty trend isn’t even so much about being able to afford it: It’s what people will say.
Today’s episode isn’t just your typical before and after courtesy of Belo Medical. That’s already stating the obvious.
I want you, my readers to be empowered by your choices and not be crippled by them.
I share the 5 things you need to consider when you finally take the plunge so in this case, a “baby” plunge with beauty treatments.
Even when you’ve got the time and money to get the dream face or body Kim Kardashian would kill for, that’s almost never the problem because it’s mind games that actually get the better of you.
The amount of satisfaction or loathing (with yourself) is only determined by how your mind allows it be.
So here I am openly sharing my experience with you. If people are gonna talk behind your back for tinkering with your face, they might as well get it straight from the source – YOU.
Just as I am right now, beating everyone to the punch because I don’t care about what anyone thinks or says about my own choices. Neither should you.
Do what makes you happy and do what it takes to make you feel better about yourself.
There’s four more you need to know in today’s episode and what my lips REALLY looked like the day after – I was mortified!!!
Head on over to my Instagram and check out Beauty Highlights in my profile if it’s already gone from my stories for more Behind The Scenes of injecting baby Botox plus lip fillers!
You can also find more health & beauty posts here.
I want you guys to experience a Belo day too! You could win free treatments from Belo Beauty! I share the mechanics in today’s episode so make sure to subscribe and join!
Have you ever tried of baby Botox? How about lip fillers? Do you like it?!
Love, light & kisses,
Welcome to another installment for my Dear Bianca V section of the website where we place the focus on your career!
It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to answer your questions in this VLOG manner. I figured that since some of you have summer breaks for whatever reason, it’s a good time to also give ample thought as to where you want your career to go to in the near future.
In Volume 1, I got to tackle several topics from dating to fashion to depression and more.
Then there’s Volume 2 that put focus on travel tips!
Then here we are at Volume 3: I’ll be discussing something I’m sure many of you can relate to when it comes to being at a crossroads in your career.
Given how frequent I receive questions regarding career or life path, I’m only answering one question. It makes it easier since all those similar questions pretty much arrive at the same bottomline: choosing a stable job vs the job of your dreams. Sound familiar?
If you’re in the same situation, today’s episode is just for you as I tackle your career. Even I, myself have been in this situation. So even though it may seem like a bed of roses now, career-wise, as I truthfully share, that hasn’t always been the case.
If you have a question for me regarding anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask me here. Think of this as my extended self from the podcast many of you may know me from.
Enjoy watching and I hope what I have to share helps!
Love & light,
Leave it to Barbie & beauty queens to teach us the aspirational way and the surprisingly relatable way to win at life!
While you and I may never know what it feels like to wear the coveted crown nor fit into Barbie’s dream wardrobe, we all have one thing in common: a desire for the image of beaming confidence. Lest we forget, “with a heart...” in true Miss Universe form.
Photos may show how I seem to have it all together as I get to play beauty queen for a couple of hours per job. Likewise, your social media life may depict such a fairytale too; a life Barbie knows too well.
We all wear our own invisible crowns everyday as we champion for causes dear to us, be it big or small. And to win those tiny victories, confidence will always play a vital role to success.
Well, you’ve come to the right place folks! Today’s episode on this blessed bunny-hopping Easter Sunday is all about light-heartedness fun!
Mind you, this is in no way to be mistaken for my usual straight to & through the heart, motivational posts like: “10 Easy Ways to Build Confidence.”
Though that will always be a favorite of mine for all it’s straightforward sincerity as shared on Instagram, I am aware that some lessons in life must be learned with some humor as also seen here and here.
Barbie will always represent values of daring to be different, playfulness, optimism while forever remaining timeless. In a way, beauty queens are quite similar don’t you think?
The best part is, they are alive for us to see in action! And YOU my dear, I know deep inside as I do too, aspire for those values as well, someway, somehow.
Sometimes we hear the same lessons repeatedly but it takes a certain person or circumstance to suddenly click the switch for that aha moment!
I’m hoping at least for some of you, that moment just might be today.
Hence, today’s episode: a mix of travel as I take you to Montreal for the largest Barbie Expo in the world, some heartwarmingly relatable anecdotes on confidence as exhibited by true beauty queens themselves and mere candidness from your truly.
Am quite excited to feature Canada again on the VLOG and honestly relieved I was able to marry Barbie & beauty queens in one episode, haha!
Happy Easter everyone and happy viewing!
Much love, light & new beginnings,
As the new Tomb Raider movie starring Alicia Vikander hit theaters this month, I figure it’s timely to feature the 2001 iconic film location where Angelina Jolie’s Hollywood star status put it on the map: Angkor Wat.
Don’t wanna give too much away as you’ll see more of this Unesco World Heritage Site in Cambodia from today’s episode.
Don’t you think film locations are a great way of learning more about a certain place, country or culture? In fact, this inspired one of my fave posts: Game Of Thrones featuring Iceland film locations.
While I know Siem Reap province is continuously evolving as a popular tourist destination since my visit in May 2015,
today’s episode is also a great way to see how far the province has come.
Angkor Wat as you’ll discover, is more than just a temple complex. I find that it’s more like a sanctuary for trees, whcich are all so poetically majestic.
If my memory serves me right, this trip gave birth to my love for nature and finding ways to help preserve it.
One thing I hope you take away from today’s episode is the idea that spiritual experiences are solely found in ancient temples like Angkor Wat.
Surrounding yourself in nature is the most basic, natural and attainable forms of a spiritual experience.
“In every walk with nature, one receives mores than he seeks.”
~ John Muir
When it comes to so-called Bucketlist destinations, realize that nature is just as important as a structure you pay an entrance ticket to.
Once you truly let that sink in, the “packaged” experience extends itself in greater ways than you can ever imagine.
Who’s been to Angkor Wat recently? Would love to hear about your experience!
Love & light,
Funny how it’s only dawned on me to make an episode that features ALL of Japan!
Considering my very first post features its beautiful countryside, this led to a wide array of Japanese-themed posts from food to dreamy landscapes to movie locations or even snowy adventures to kickstart your bucketlists. Not to mention some of my favorite episodes are actually from Japan!
Take for example, Tokyo Disneyland will never be the same when you get to spend Halloween here…
Then again, when one expects oranges, browns & burnt autumn colors, you’re sure to flip over fuschia Kochias at this beautiful public park!
If that isn’t enough, who could imagine reigniting that feeling falling in love with your life through a magical tunnel of wisteria?
And you shouldn’t forget adventures like husky-sledding in the outskirts of Hokkaido that literally take your breath away!
If only one episode could capture the best of ALL my #BiancaVTravelsJAPAN adventures on Instagram through the years, here’s an attempted whirl at some of the highlights!
These are just some of my memories… I think it’s about time you begin to make more of yours.
May you find more reasons to visit Japan and explore the world…
So much to share in today’s episode so I hope you enjoy watching and you can check out my Japan Playlist on YouTube for more!
What do you love about Japan?
Love & light,
Spare me the sad story. Let’s get right to the point: you’re heartbroken, I get it. Now what to do?
As a so-called Personality Dev’t Speaker, this is quite the departure from my usual style of tackling Relationship Topics like The 5 Love Languages or 5 Things You Need To Communicate Better and my personal fave, 10 Easy Ways To Build Confidence.
Sometimes, when it comes to the heartbroken, you just need to cut the emo, serve the realness with a side of curses and campiness, ha!
As my very first installment (and honestly, experimental) series on Instagram boringly called, #BiancaVInstagramVideos, lol, I continue to receive so many requests to make getting over being heartbroken video YouTube-ready.
So here it is! Showing you what heartbroken nightmare crushers are made of! Never thought my kookier side would be so well received, haha!
If you like that, well here’s another one from this series, 6 People You Don’t Need in Your Life. Watch it & weep, peeps!
You got any topics for me to talk about? I honestly can’t think of more! Perhaps, you got a question for me? Ask away and will make sure to answer!
Love & realness,
Despite the negative slack China continues to receive on mainstream news, this doesn’t stop me from wanting to look beyond bad impressions.
As curious travelers, we owe it to ourselves to form an an intelligent opinion based on personal experiences and not only what’s said in a brochure or on TV.
This is very similar to my impressions of Russia, which I featured on the VLOG, only to fortunately be wronged in so many levels.
I also believe it’s my role as a travel enthusiast to share with my viewers those said experiences in the hopes of peaking your own curiosities, inspiring wanderlust goals and learning to see the world with new eyes.
Today’s episode is all about the highlights of my wonderful three-week trip to China in April 2015.
While I know it’s sometime back, that’s not to say it isn’t worth sharing because as you’ll see, it truly is.
You’ll get to see not only its more popular cities, Beijing and Shanghai but also Guilin and my personal favorite, Xian.
As the oldest and one of China’s four ancient capital cities, there is so much fascinating history to uncover in Xi’an (See-Yan).
If I had to make a correlation to perhaps make you better understand, what Kyoto is to Japan, Xi’an is to China.
Imagine digging a hole in the ground with the intent of making a water well.
Instead you discover this…. This is but a fraction of what farmer, Yang Zhifa found by accident in 1974: the Terra Cotta Warriors from the Qin Dynasty (211-206 BC).
To give you an idea of how vast this one area (or PIT as it’s referred to) is, take a look on both sides, how tiny the people are.
In certain ancient civilizations like Egypt and China, burial grounds replicate the life that certain person lived in order to properly prepare for the next life.
So in this case, the first great emperor to unify China, Emperor Qin Shi Huang, built a massive terra-cotta army complete with horses, military supplies, chariots, among others.
What makes it extraordinary is how well-preserved they considering they are over 2000+ years old! Not surprisingly, the Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Museum is considered to be one of the Wonders of the World.
Pardon this next photo as it was taken in the dark through a very thick glass. But these figures have an interesting backstory…
If you are an avid Game of Thrones fan like myself, you will know what a Eunuch (Lord Varys) is… by the way have you seen that episode where I got to visit GoT film locations in Iceland?
Eunuchs were imperial soldiers who were castrated so they cannot sexually violate the empress.
In some cases, also so concubines cannot cheat on their Emperor.
In Xi’an, there are two Terra Cotta Warriors sites:
The first few photos are from the Qin Dynasty. Soldiers are 1.8M tall, grandiose with tough features.
This photo is from an all-glass-enclosed site from the Han Dynasty where the soldiers were smaller, slimmer with softer features.
If you take a look on the lower right hand side, one soldier has a grayish-colored groin. The painted area is to signify that this soldier is a Eunuch.
My family and I got to visit the same Terracotta factory where props from the Hollywood blockbuster film, “The Mummy,” from 1999 were made.
The brick oven here are for the small to medium pieces while the stacked statues on the right are the rejects from the lot.
Chairman Mao Zedong of China is called Chairman because a chair, is the symbol of a throne. A powerful man is seated on that throne. Therefore: Chair+Man
This photo is from our hotel in Xi’an, Hilton.
The bicycle is an integral part of Chinese life and transportation.
Both young and old are encouraged to bike despite the booming effects of economic development, not only for better health but to lessen environmental pollution and traffic.
Everywhere you go, even the widest and busiest of city roads have dedicated bicycle lanes and parking lots.
As the capital of China, you can only imagine how much there is to see and learn.
For starters, at Yuyuantan Park, they have a cherry blossom festival and while I may have the most serious face in this photo because my mom made me wear this fake wreath all throughout the park, lol.
The beautiful, clean and manicured garden is not exactly what you would expect as China is always said to be filthy. NO WAY! Just watch and you’ll see what I mean.
These photos are but a very tiny snippet of what’s all on today’s wonderful episode!
And of course, no trip to Beijing would be complete without hitting up the Great Wall!
I still recall being so excited and in my adrenaline-filled steps made me trip so hard that my knees bled through the 2 layers of thermals + pants and I didn’t even feel it until I removed them back at the hotel.
The blood froze from the 4C weather and got stuck to my thermals! So try and imagine peeling them off my banged up knees?! I actually still have the 3-year scar as my souvenir.
I also shared a very rare public photo of me with my dad, as seen on Instagram.
Of course there will be your hot pots, clay pots and other traditional foods.
But if you know me well enough, I have an appetite for adventure – not just figuratively but also literally!
One of my favorite episodes on the vlog is enjoying Beijing exotic street foods like scorpions, snakes and more! You have got watch it, I promise it’s good!! No pun intended, haha!
If case you’re unaware, China blocks social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, etc. So before setting foot, I suggest downloading VPN apps (there are free ones), which help you access these sites and have no problems posting online.
When flying domestic in China, local airlines are notorious for changing flight times constantly without prior notice and just like the Philippines, flights are always delayed.
It is mandatory to confirm your flight prior to departure. Ask your hotel concierge to help you at least 24hrs before.
On the other hand, the domestic airport is impressive: free wifi, wide range of restaurants, bookstores and even a free internet gaming center while waiting for your flight!
As they say, the Chinese are very good in business. So always expect to put up a good bargaining “fight” when shopping in public markets and from street vendors.
Prices, most times, can be jacked up to 10x if you are unaware.
They KNOW you will haggle. So they start high.
We were advised to haggle at LEAST 60-80% off the retail price.
The patent parka hoodie vest I’m wearing started off at Y175 or P1,085. I got it down to Y40 or P248!! While the Red Army cap, only the most common tourist item, I got for Y20 or P124.
Should’ve haggled it down to Y5!
If Xian is all about culture and Beijing is the capital, we move onto to the beautiful province of Guilin known for its picturesque scenery.
This unique rock formation called the Elephant Trunk’s Hill because the edge looks like an elephant’s trunk is the city’s landmark to symbolize the beautiful Guilin scenery.
Very similar to Vietnam’s Halong Bay, the scenic river cruise is truly worth it as my family and I enjoyed this one. I even shared it back then on Instagram:
Of the 30,000 hills scattered like “jade hairpins” all over Guilin, with a vivid imagination, one can see several figures and familiar images.
Look at the white stone on this mountain…
Do you see a horse?
Do you see a man riding with his back facing the head of the horse?
This is one of many where even the hill formations strike a resemblance to a cat with its tail pointing to the heavens, an apple, Buddha, a mother holding its child and more.
The Shangri-La Guilin Hotel is considered the #1 hotel followed by The Sheraton in Guilin.
This hotel is further away from central area while Sheraton is located at the city center.
Whichever you choose, Guilin is definitely an oasis from the bustling city life.
Lastly, it’s onto the metropolitan city of Shanghai. It’s kind of like the New York counterpart of China.
Back in 2015, this photo was taken with an iPhone 5s and admittedly edited as the smog nearly made the view but a blur.
But not to worry, lots more to see in today’s episode, including the ancient water town that literally blew my socks off: Zhujiajiao (1700yrs old)!
And when touring the sites came to a close, there’s always room for silly fun.
Every country will always have its mysteries and negative aspects but I have always believed that just like people, they all deserve a chance. Our perceptions are not the truths.
Underneath the veil of perceptions is beauty waiting to be appreciated and valued.
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it.” ~ Confucius
There you have it… my travel diary of China! I hope today’s episode will inspire you to explore this great culture and civilization as I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Perhaps for some, a face mask may help but I never wore one and I am healthy as a happy bee.
Wishing you all more amazing travels to places you’ve never been to before!
Love & Light,
How does one narrow down the grandest romantic occasion of the year to a mere list of six?
If you follow my travels on Instagram, Japan is at the top of the list of the countries I frequently visit then feature here & on the VLOG.
As one of my most beloved destinations, it’s been a travel goal to tour the whole country – and I can gratefully say, I’m almost there.
So imagine my distress in choosing which places to feature for this Valentine’s episode! Like a kid in a candy store, there’s just too many to choose from!
First things first: you have your own definition of romance as I have mine.
Not to mention, these so-called travel “lists,” no matter how prestigious, are highly subjective. So what others consider romantic isn’t necessarily what you consider a showstopper.
In saying that, what I share in today’s episode is hopefully a good balance of both subjective and objective: based on personal preference and from popular sources.
Now before we get down to it, here’s a reality check: once a place is commercialized, it zaps all the romance out of it, right? Especially now in the social media age where one, let alone too many photo bombers just kill your Instagram goals.
So today’s “6 Romantic Places in Japan” I decided it’s best to mix what’s internationally mainstream popular, popular with the locals, those below the radar and my personal fave…
Cherry Blossoms in the spring is the quintessential symbol of romance in Japan.
Other than the southern part of Japan where it’s relatively warmer, the place nearest Tokyo to catch cherry blossoms as early as February is in Kawazu city, Ito Peninsula.
It’s at the annual Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival where a specific breed of cherry blossoms or Sakura, blooms the earliest and for the longest time – up to a whole month.
Sakura trees are planted on both sides of the gorge for all the tourists to enjoy a stroll or even have a picnic from the sakura-flavored treats being sold by local vendors.
Once a year, the wisteria flower blooms at the Kawachi Fuji-en Garden during the Golden Week of Japan.
Located in Fukuoka, this wisteria tunnel is constantly named as one of Japan’s Most Beautiful Places.
Last May 2015, I got to catch its final days before they return to their wilted sleep until the following spring.
It’s actually a privately owned garden, which is only briefly opened to tourists this time of year.
It’s actually one of the very first episodes I featured on the VLOG and it is easily one of my most memorable & magical places in Japan.
Yes I nearly cried at first sight because there absolutely no words to describe how enchanting this place is.
Ever wished to end up with one you’re dating right now?
Legend has it that if you and your partner cross the sand bar called Angel Road, whilst holding hands, all of your dreams come true.
As they say, you’d walk a thousand miles for the one you love. At least with Angel Road in Shodoshima, the journey isn’t too far!
I don’t think even the best cameras can ever capture the enchantment of Nabana No Sato’s annual winter illumination.
Located in Nagoya, I visited this garden in Nagoya during the daytime in the summer months.
As beautiful as it already was with a quaint wedding chapel right at the center, this place is a absolutely whimsical at night.
So many photos floating on the Internet with photos from this night Illumination in particular. Like a scene out of postcard, it’s no surprise why so many other countries now have their own illuminated tunnels to boost tourism.
I’ve got an episode just for Nabana No Sato coming up so make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and get notified.
Okay, before we get to the good part, here’s a back story….
Otaru in Hokkaido is also canal city that’s often described as a romantic getaway place to visit.
Unless you’re visiting during off-peak season, personally, it’s just too commercialized and crowded already that it’s lost its mystique. It’s understandable because it’s so near Hokkaido’s capital city of Sapporo. So it only makes sense to visit Otaru if you’re already in the vicinity.
I even gave a very honest “Reality vs Expectation” written post while featuring the Otaru Snow Light Path for my 4-part snow festival series on the VLOG, together with Sapporo, Sounkyo and my favorite, Asahikawa.
Do check them out for winter itinerary ideas as it’s currently snow festival season right now!
As much as I prefer not to tell anyone about this below the radar canal city, Kurashiki, the whole point of this website is to share newfound travel gems.
Kurashiki in Okayama is currently one of my favorite cities in Japan, together with Karuizawa and Kobe.
The city of Kurushiki’s main attraction is the Ohara Museum of Art. Among other seasonal exhibitions, the museum has the first impressive collection of Western art that’s permanently displayed in Japan.
Fronting a picturesque canal where you’ll find swans, small riverboats and local artisans, it is essentially a very hipster, cool yet quaint Otaru on steroids.
I absolutely cannot wait to go back to this picturesque place and spend more time just exploring every corner!
Now for those looking for something on a more spiritual level that transcends literal romance, might I suggest The Marriage Shrine.
Formally known as the Izumo Taisha Shrine, it’s one of the most ancient and relevant Shinto shrines in Japan.
Located in Izumo, Shimane prefecture, visitors come to pray to Ōkuninushi, the god or deity of marriage, in the hopes of finding a good partner.
Then for those who are already couples, they come with offerings to sanctify their relationships.
Today’s episode is truly worth watching as I share a little something about my own love life…
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about love is that it’s not something we wait for but love is something we embody. Love is a precious gift but it is not in a person – not even our own family or partner.
May you all discover the depth of love in all ways, always…
Happy Valentines my dearest! Enjoy watching as I made it with, you guessed it —- much love!
Love & light,
Like blackheads or boogers or toxins in our body, our lives needs a good spring cleaning for 2018: 6 People You Need to Avoid in Your Life.
Your environment dictates the quality of your day, your self-esteem, your life.
So if you don’t want a shitty one, take charge and get these 6 types of people – who are quite common yet below the radar so we don’t realize how toxic they are, eradicated from our system.
Get ready for some realness and cheers to showing more of my hidden silly side for 2018! Haha!
My first Instagram series: How To Get Over A Broken Heart made quite a splash!
You can also check out my other Personality Development- themed posts here.
Perhaps I should do more of these types of videos? Let me know by commenting below! If you have topics to recommend, by all means!! Am all ears!
Love & light,
New York is undoubtedly one of the most iconic cities in the world. So diverse, fast-paced, chaotically cultured and so modern yet old world at the same time.
While it may seem counterintuitive to backtrack to my November trip, I figured it’s best to reflect in order to move forward to 2018. Shall we?
You don’t say… (cue eye roll).
If you’re a nocturnal freak like me who thrives when the sun sets, you get it. There’s so much to do at night in New York other than hitting a club.
Just walking the streets alone, you’re never alone: literally and figuratively.
“I love New York… you’re never alone but always on your own.”
~ Blaire Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
Yes I know it may be totally uncool to lose your shit when bumping into a celebrity in the chic or could-care-less streets of New York. However, for as long as you do it with finesse, respect and leave your screaming for later, you just might win them over and take you by surprise.
Exhibit A: Liam Neeson!
So how did that happen you might ask? While I gave the written blow by blow on Instagram, the fan-girling realness within those very moments are all on today’s episode! So you HAVE TO WATCH!
Others do Netflix (okay fine, so do I but I was trying to make a point), while others do Broadway.
Anyone who enjoys a good musical – movie or stage, could easily indulge in New York’s Broadway musical marathons.
Wishing for more time and spare seats as many of the popular ones are sold out, here are the ones I got to watch this time around:
Oh Miss Saigon (for the 4th time), which for me – best performances of them all!
Since launching in London in 1989 and 1991 in New York, it will finally come to a successful close this January 13-14, 2018.
Spectacular performance, most especially by Filipino thespian playing the Engineer, Jon Jon Briones.
Currently, the hottest Broadway ticket is for Hamilton. Miraculously, got to score awesome orchestra seats as they are always sold out with a 6-months waiting list.
The musical goes above and beyond your traditional music score as all the songs are in rap, hip-hop soul music, to name a few.
What is most impressive is how American historical events were effectively translated into lyrical rap rap, mixing classic with edge.
Talk about a fun way to educate yourself. Definitely a game changer in the musical world.
If it isn’t already obvious how much of a history fanatic I am from my Instagram, the mystery behind the death (or life) of Russia’s Princess Anastasia still fascinates me.
While most are fans of the animated picture, I continue to follow the history of the last Emperor of Russia, Nicholas II.
Heartwarming and a crowd favorite, if you love the cartoon version, you’ll definitely love the Broadway version of Anastasia The Musical!
Phantom of the OPERA
If you’re a musical junkie, Phantom of the Opera, together with Les Miserables and CATS are just some of the classics.
Phantom is one of the first foreign musicals my mom took me to in London when I was 12 and my life changed forever.
I still cry and sing along to Christine. Only this time with a plastic cup of red wine for the win, haha!
School of Rock
Still going ape shit over how AMAZEBALLS School of Rock is!!!
Even my family couldn’t keep themselves from sharing their excitement by videobombing me while I was recording for the episode, haha! Watch cuz I got proof!
For starters, the Hollywood movie starring utterly hilarious Jack Black already won me over. The Broadway musical is so damn phenomenal that my whole family along with the audience sang, danced and cried without a dull moment!
However, amongst the five, School of Rock is by far my favorite one! All the original tracks from the movie are in the play which makes you sing along from start to finish!
New York is home to the fiercest fashion in the world from street style of everyday New Yorkers to seeing exhibits dedicated for the love of it.
The Louis Vuitton: Volez, Voguez, Voyagez, an exhibit that showcases all forms of luxury travel from its beginnings to its powerhouse collaborations and ultimately the brand we all know of today.
Such an impressive collection that is serious travel baggage goals and of course, all the red carpet gowns worn all through out history from Old Hollywood to young stars of today like Alicia Vikander.
Of course what better way to market your product than to make it free admission but sadly it only ran until December.
Anytime of the day or night, you will always find awesome places to grab a bite in New York City.
Carmine’s is probably one of the best hearty Italian meals I’ve had in LIFE, lol. The shrimp parmigiana, giant stuffed artichokes and seafood linguini were insanely delicious!
See more of this celebrity hotspot on today’s episode.
Then finish off with some good old New York Cheesecake at the local institution, that is, Junior’s! I share a bite or two in today’s VLOG!
Regardless of how cold winters can get in New York, there is always a distinct warmth that only this city can bring especially during the holidays.
You will never be disappointed in iconic places as Rockefeller Center and Bryant Park.
In fact, i featured Bryant Park for my Christmas episode featuring Rovaniemi! Have you seen it?
Both locals and tourists have something to gander for hours on end from world-class museums like the MET…
It’s also where I met Liam Neeson as seen earlier….
The Guggenheim Museum…
… the United Nations….
…. and historical landmarks like Grand Central Station…
…. St Patrick’s Cathedral where I shared a very personal post on Instagram…
And when you’ve had enough of the city, the ultra exclusive area of the Hamptons awaits – during the summer that is!
I take you around the summer residence of the rich and famous during off season in today’s episode.
I got to see one of my fave chefs, Ina Garten, aka Barefoot Contessa‘s Hamptons home and sampled seriously ridic, stuffed, fried croissant at West Hamptons!
Ironic, for such a fast-paced city that keeps you on your toes, awed-yet-also-overwhelmed-tourists gravitate towards the bustle of New York.
I mean, people can be quite brash, cold and then there’s vendors preying on unassuming tourists. Yet that same energy is what makes you feel alive.
You wanna fit in. You have this unspoken desire to say you can survive the streets of New York no matter where you’re from.
I admire a person with tenacity, with resilience that no matter what life throws at them, they persevere: that for me, is New York. She is relentless.
That even if you decide to look back at tragic events like 911, you keep your head high and move forward with grace.
This written post is somewhat different from the VLOG so make sure to watch it! Can you spot the difference of what I forgot or purposely left out?
Hope you enjoyed this post as there’s more to come as always so pls subscribe to my YouTube channel!
What do you love about New York?
Love & light,
This Osaka Travel Guide is undoubtedly the most requested as I still continue to receive requests on this place ever since I started this VLOG.
If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you know how Japan is my most frequented country: #BiancaVTravelsJAPAN
Relatedly, my Sapporo Food Guide is surprisingly my post popular post! Surprise because from an artistic perspective, it isn’t exactly what I consider the most creative amongst all the videos on the VLOG.
If you watch the episode, it’s got a more straightforward & informative feel.
I guess it really does boil down to knowing the what, where, why in all things Japan.
So by now it only makes sense that Osaka is something I have gotten to share at the very least, right?
Well, if you also follow me on IG, you’ll observe that the places I feature in Japan are not exactly the most popular (yet). They’re usually far off rural places or low-key cities that have yet to be discovered by many.
As a website that focuses on VIDEO content, notice how there isn’t a video on the top of the screen, which I usually have for all my VLOG posts?
Truth is, the last time I got to visit Osaka was in 2014 & 2015. A time when the VLOG was still non-existent so I don’t really have much or any videos to compile. Not to mention my mobile photography skills were obviously suspect.
Can you tell by this photo from IG? Haha!
That’s not to say I don’t have anything to share! I made sure this list is still up to date and ideal for both Osaka first-timers or those who wish to explore Osaka even more.
To give you a background, Osaka is the 2nd largest metropolitan city in Japan after Tokyo. Osaka is also port city & referred to as the Gateway to Japan.
It has slowly taken over Tokyo’s popularity as a tourist destination.
Also known as the “Japan’s Kitchen,” Osaka is perfect for food enthusiasts. Foreign food authors & critics consider Osaka as the food capital of the world.
In fact, when I think of fashion, Tokyo comes to mind. When I think of culture, Kyoto is king and then when I think of food – Osaka hits the spot.
Given there’s so much to see, do & eat in this thriving city, here is my own…
Dōtonbori is Osaka’s famous street mostly because of food. It’s one of the most popular hot spots in the city largely due to its infectious, festive vibe.
My first pic above is right from the entrance of Dōtonbori.
The lights in Dōtonbori are so strong and bright, it’s quite tricky getting a decent shot without looking darkened out.
So this is what it really looked like:
Flash on or off, Dōtonbori is best captured with an empty stomach and an appetite for adventure from day to night.
This leads me to your first course…
The most popular street food is Osaka’s own local snack, Takoyaki.
The doughy, pancake-y-like balls are so popular that it’s made its way to the Philippines from years back as an afternoon snack, on-to-go meal or even an actual meal in itself.
Then there’s Okonomiyaki, a savory noodle (yakisoba) pancake with a variety of ingredients.
Also located in Dōtonbori, Mizuno is undeniably the most highly rated restaurant whose specialty is Okonomiyaki.
The restaurant is currently part of the Michelin Osaka Kyoto Guide 2018.
The hefty pancake is assembled in front of you on the grill then the chef cooks and charrs it to perfection.
If Tokyo has Tsukiji (seafood market), Osaka has Kuromon Ichiba. It’s one of Osaka’s main food markets.
Here you can get to sample the freshest Japanese seafood from the many fish vendors and restos.
Just like everyone else, I headed straight for the #1 resto in the market, Kuromon Sanpei as seen on IG.
During my first visit, I couldn’t resist trying the succulent giant scallops and octopus BBQ! Legit.
Then again, you can also stock up on the freshest fruits like cherries, strawberries and other local produce.
If you prefer to catch your own dinner, a must-try in Osaka (near Dōtonbori) is ZAUO!
Creating a fun dining experience, you get to fish for your own seafood. I guess it’s like a fancier version of our own, dampa.
From the fish you caught – presuming you did, lol, you then get to choose how you want it/them prepared or cooked.
However if that fails, don’t worry, there’s a menu to choose from as well.
When you catch a fish, you can’t toss it back as it’s considered sold.
When this happens, the staff hits the big tribal, bongo drums chanting your name as other guests cheer you on for your successful catch!
I’ve been twice and the first time, I didn’t catch a thing while my sister caught 4 because it was just that addictively fun – for her, haha!
My mom was like, “how do you intend to eat all that fish?!” Hahaha!
We ended up with so many dishes that we chose to share our food with nearby tables – free meal for them, yey!
It’s great for wholesome family fun or even friends having one too many drinks!
From fishing to something fancier, Japanese food is not all about sushi. You don’t say….
Naniwa Kappo Kigawa (restaurant) specializes in Kappo cuisine. Kappo is a Japanese traditional cooking method where a Kappo chef is trained to master numerous ways of cooking and understand the seasonality of food.
With the seasonal menu, there’s always something new to expect.
A lovely dining experience, Kappo cuisine is the art of dining in Osaka as every dish is presented in a delicate, intricate manner.
Come to think of it, Kappo style of presentation is quite evident in Bvlgari IL Cafe‘s dessert du jour.
The luxury cafe is at the upscale Umeda Hankyu department store in Osaka.
Whether shopping for diamonds or sipping some champagne, the Bvlgari IL Cafe is a perfect way to cap off an afternoon with the girls.
Speaking of Umeda, another not to be missed is Umeda Sky Building.
From below it looks like a giant space ship held together by two towers.
That’s because the twin tower complex is located in Umeda: a prime business, shopping & entertainment center in Osaka. The underground shopping complex is so massive, you could seriously get lost!
My personal recommendation?
The outdoor observation deck at night is a trippy showstopper as it’s lit up like you’re inside a cosmic night club – especially the floor! It’s like you’re walking on Mars in neon lights!
Perhaps daunting if you fear heights but makes for an exciting Osaka nighttime experience!
To see Umeda Sky Building without any fear of looking straight down, the Westin Osaka has the perfect views.
I forgot to take photos of my room but it’s similar to this:
Though the hotel is relatively old, the rooms are spacious with a perfect view of Umeda Sky Building in all its architectural glory.
This is the view from my room.
Moving onto something just as glorious… I may not eat meat but I certainly have seen the bun-demonium at every 551 Horai in Osaka.
It’s one of the most popular BBQ pork buns in Osaka: selling more than 140,000 baos daily & still growing by the day!
Originating from Osaka, it’s considered the Best Bao in Japan and I assure you makes every Osaka Travel Guide.
One of the most popular exports of Osaka is cheesecake: specifically, Pablo Cheesecake.
Personally, when I think of Osaka food, I think of Pablo’s. I could go on & on about this cheesecake: the richness, decadence & just like steak, it’s baked the way you prefer. Plus the Creme brûlée finish on the top with blow torched sugar is life!
I also love how Pablo does seasonal and/or special flavors like strawberry, sweet potato, marshmallow, red bean toast, lemon and more.
Admittedly, I’ve tried the one in Manila but the consistency is just not the same.
Though this doesn’t apply to all imports brought to the Philippines, there really is nothing like getting it straight from the source. So when in Osaka, Pablo’s is truly a must!
Then there’s the traditional Japanese cheesecake of the light, fluffier kind from Uncle Tetsu.
Just as popular as Pablo in Osaka, sadly, it just didn’t make it big here in the Philippines. I believe it had a brief stint in the Manila market then eventually closed.
Although I actually got to try Uncle Tetsu for the first time in Taiwan, not Japan! It’s quite similar to the one of Bread Talk: airy and more like a mousse-type of consistency.
As you can tell I have but one photo as I prefer Pablo’s, haha! But I did find this cool vid on IG:
Can you see her through the reflection?
Every Japanese city, from the tiniest and rural to the most metropolitan, you will always find a castle. The Osaka Castle Park is the symbol of the city.
Once the city’s most famous landmark (now second after Universal Studios) opened to the public in 1931.
It’s located right in the center of the modern metropolis.
Osaka Castle does have a museum as you make your way up to the top floor. Here you can enjoy the beautiful 360degree aerial view of the city.
Taking pole position in top things to do in Osaka is Universal Studios!
This is 1 of the 4 Universal Studios in the world. Staying true to form, it’s modeled after the ones in Hollywood & Florida but of course with a more Japanese, local vibe.
And here come the cheesy poses!!!
Open since 2001, it’s the 2nd largest amusement park after Tokyo Disneyland.
In terms of attractions, of course there’s much to be impressed by. However in terms of food, no matter how Instagram-worthy the meals are from the 21 restaurants, it’s just too pricey.
As you would expect for amusement park menus, the selection is not exactly gastronomically fulfilling.
I suggest grabbing a meal beforehand to have all the energy to go around the 18 TV & film-inspired attractions and 24 stores.
One of the largest aquariums in the world is the Osaka Aquarium.
The modern facility boasts of an impressive collection of aquatic animals like whale sharks, snow crabs, penguins, otters, seals & so much more.
I suggest wearing a jacket because most of the facilities, especially the penguin area is freezing (understandably)!!
Other than aquatic activities and sights, you also get to wander inside the beautiful indoor tropical rainforest.
Surely a great family attraction, the interactive aquarium is both fun & educational.
For a more intimate animal experience, Japan is famous for animal cafes. Since Japanese homes are mostly small or many locals live alone, it’s difficult to have your own pet.
In pet cafes, guests can play & interact with animals like cats, dogs & owls. It’s been a proven stress-reliever for the fast-paced, intense, career-centric life in Japan.
In Osaka’s Dōtonbori, you can visit an owl cafe. Appreciate different elusive owl species while sipping matcha tea.
Speaking of Dōtonbori, it’s located in Namba district. Some of Osaka’s most iconic landmarks are seen here:
There’s the huge, moving mechanized crab atop a seafood first pic above.
Then there’s the Glico Man runner billboard…
You’ll also find the red-light district so the energy is just beaming with vibrance and excitement!
The area is best viewed at night when the signs are lit up…
Right across the Dōtonbori river is Shinsaibashi Shopping Street. It’s the busiest shopping district in Osaka with a vast selection of stores, restaurants & more.
Considered Osaka’s shopping Mecca, you can find an eclectic mix of bargains & pricier items. Expect tourist prices as well given the popularity of this place.
It’s also here you’ll find Don Quijote: Japan’s famous 24-hour, tax-free store. It’s quite hard to describe what kind of store this is because you can literally find everything in Donki.
Before Green Tea Kit Kat became readily available in Manila, many Instagram sellers get their goodies from here.
Here’s my loot from that trip as seen on IG:
Like a labyrinth of anything & everything from tech toys to sex toys to home supplies, anime costumes and anything you think of; Don Quijote is such an iconic Japanese shopping adventure in itself.
If you love Harajuku in Tokyo, then you’ll enjoy Osaka’s Amerikamura.
This area is the prime hub for the youth culture of Osaka. The cool, quirky shopping & entertainment area is where the art, fashion & music scene come together.
This is also where I got to see Burger King’s Kuro Pearl or Charcoal Bun Burger, lol. My sister said it was just alright as it tasted just like a regular burger.
A close walk from Osaka Castle is the Osaka Museum Of History. It showcases the history of the city dating from ancient times.
The large-scale representations all over the museum allow you to feel like you’re actually part of the exhibit. They have all these Instagrammable corners long before IG even existed.
There’s even an area for kids – yes, I’m referring to myself – where you get to learn about excavating, fossils and info collecting.
It wouldn’t be a visit to Japan or complete Osaka Travel Guide without visiting one of its many temples & shrines.
Osaka’s Sumiyoshi Taisha or Sumiyoshi Grand Shrine is one of Japan’s oldest shrines.
Among the 2000+ Shinto shrines in Japan, Sumiyoshi Taisha is the main and most famous one.
If you’re in Osaka in the winter months, Namba Hikari-tabi is a magical winter evenings illumination.
Sharing both my own amateur mobile pics and ones from Google for better reference.
Also called Namba Parks Winter Illumination, it’s part of Osaka’s Festival of Lights.
Located in the Namba shopping area & railway station, it gets bigger every year.
From November to February, tourists can celebrate Christmas, New Year & Valentine’s here.
While you’re at it…
The Festival of Lights in Osaka is also another night illumination must-see that happens from November to end of December.
Streets all lined up with lights that lead up to the main structure as seen below for the light show.
Pardon the photo quality as these are from 2015 from camera phone.
This is from the official website:
What kind of a person would I be offering a so-called Osaka Travel Guide without featuring ramen??
Consecutively included in Osaka’s best ramen lists, hit up, Jet Ramen.
For a hefty bowl of my favorite Japanese dish, tsukemen or dipping noodles, it was so worth standing in line for an hour in the cold at 1am!
It’s just a few blocks from Westin Osaka so it’s a good way to walk off the calories.
Another popular Osaka-style street food is kushikatsu: deep fried skewers from meat to veggies and seafood.
In Osaka, Kushikatsu Daruma is the most popular joint.
You initially dip your skewer in your preferred sauce. Then to maintain proper hygiene for communal sauces, you either have a sauce brush or a piece of sturdy veggie like cabbage to apply sauce to your succeeding bites.
I hear Kushikatsu Daruma now has a Philippine branch at Uptown Mall, Fort Bonifacio BGC.
Like most girls, I am admittedly one of those who enjoy quaint dessert cafes and Shinsaibashi has a couple of good ones.
I love me a strong cuppa joe paired with comforting treats like Gram Cafe‘s fluffy pancakes!
Japan, like the US, is home to loads of outlet shopping locations.
Having been so several of them around the country, I find that the Premium Outlet company has the best selection and prices.
The closest one to Osaka is Rinku Premium Outlet.
For all you Athleisure fanatics, the Nike store is massive. Stuff are still relatively expensive if you’re expecting down low outlet prices but selection is pretty good.
Your usual Gucci, Kate Spade, Prada, Michael Kors are all here while I got myself some killer pumps at ETRO at 80% off!
Took a photo of my “Puff The Magic Dragon” socks for posterity’s sake!
You’re gonna have to take my word on this one as my phone died while I was here, lol.
Hipster and eclectic, Orange Street in Osaka is the epitome of cool. Think Hypebeast in the flesh!
A hub for local designers, artisans and creatives, this is where to shop if you wanna avoid the touristy vibe.
Apart from the covetable one-of boutiques, every concept cafe is an interior design dream!
I don’t know about you but I am all about convenience when it comes to traveling.
Just because something is fancy and full luxury; if it involves more walking, lugging and earlier mornings because it’s far from everything else, I’ll pass.
Osaka’s Swissotel is such a great choice as it’s connected to Osaka Station: super central and literally an elevator away from all the trains.
This Osaka Travel Guide is not limited to Osaka when it truly is a gateway to other Japanese destinations. You can visit other relatively nearby cities like Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, and Himeji, to name a few.
For Kyoto and Nara, might I suggest joining a half-day or whole day tour to really get to see as much as you can especially if you have limited time.
Truly worth the time and money, as seen here from my SUPER FUN time feeding LOADS of DEERS on Instagram while in Nara:
Then again if you’re coming from Tokyo, you can easily do a day trip to Osaka as it’s only 2.5hrs away via Shinkansen or bullet train.
But with so much to see, do & eat, a day is never enough!
Hope you take something from my own Osaka Travel Guide! I emphasize on saying my own as it’s merely from my own experience and insights.
You can check out my other Japan posts here.
Enjoy your Osaka adventure!
Love & light,